Nightingale Knits

Nightingale Knits
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Friday, June 20, 2014

Rosemary Parmesan Roast Carrot "Steak Fries"

Roasty toasty!
Last night I had to have some sort of roast veggies in my life.  Nothing else was going to do.  And I had a big ole' bag of carrots in the fridge that needed to be eaten.  As I let this ravenous craving congeal with my longing for balsamic vinegar and parmesan cheese, a lovely idea for roast carrots formed.

They were divine.

Like giant, toasty sweet potato steak fries, lightly charred on one side in the same delightful manner of a roasted marshmallow. We dipped them in roast garlic hummus and devoured the entire plate in no time.  I definitely see more of these in our future...especially since there's already another bag of carrots in my fridge.  And especially since they fulfill my desire to inhale masses of salty french-fry consistency things dipped in sauces.

So simple, so good.

What you need:
1 bag of carrots (mine had 12 ~7" long carrots in it), or about 12 carrots of your choice
1 tsp sea salt
1-2 tsp cracked black pepper
1 tbsp fresh rosemary
4 tsp grated parmesan cheese
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2.5 tbsp olive oil (more if you like, but I was trying to cut calories)

Makes 12 servings.

What to do:
Preheat your oven to around 400-450 degrees (the oven in my new place seems to heat up way beyond what I set it to, but I haven't quite figured out how much hotter it is yet). Slice carrots in half lengthwise and spread them out on a lightly greased cookie sheet. Drizzle with the olive oil and balsamic vinegar and flip them around a few times to coat.  Sprinkle your seasonings evenly on top, pop them in the oven, and give them 30-45 minutes to roast, depending on how crispy you'd like them (the crispier the better for me!).

Nutrition Facts (per 2 slice serving):
Calories- 65
Fat- 2.4g
Carbs- 7.5g
Fiber- 1.7g
Sugar- 5.2g
Protein- 1.7g


  1. Those sound amazing! Definitely a way to upgrade roasted carrots. :)

  2. Thanks! I bet it would work for other veggies, too :) Will have to experiment.
